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marathon story writing? someone continue


User ID: 1536664 Jun 14th 12:13 PM


watcher, u suan me isit? lol

my script: guest apperance

I used to be going after the title of wu ling meng zhu but nowadays I realize my wu gong has dropped. In fact, I kanna kicked around by those huang mao ya tou, who with their hua quan xiu tui, actually give me nei shang (lol) I think she is from Bobochacha sect (get my hint, lol) I've decided to tui chu jiang hu. my advice to all u is: " Jiang Hu Xie Er (that's what my popo tells me, lol), and lu bian de shui guo bu yao cai (lol), esp apple, banana and Kiwi (lol). And be prepared u will be wrongly accused and pple will put words into your mouth".

I shall go now and practice my song: "Cang Hai Heng Key Xiao, Tao Tao Liang An Chao"


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