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marathon story writing? someone continue
Raynor: The hero of the story.
Cheerful, outspoken, optimistic with a strong sense of justice. Unexpectedly lucky to master the very powerful 'Pui-Pui' Shen Gong (the story behind this Pui shen gong is very complex, it actually originated from the Preserved Plum Scroll and was first used by Apple but luckily, it does not require brain-removal, so Raynor's brain is still intact.) His childhood sweetheart is S4phiREZ but unfortunately she fell for (Ken/Tom) instead. A devoted fan of Fann, Raynor once mistook Apple for Fann and returned his insults with 'Muak muak I love you', later to find, to his disgust, that Apple is actually a Fann imposter.
While Raynor need not remove his brain to master Apple's Pui Pui Shen Gong, he is still puzzled why his childhood love s4phireZ can fall for two men, ken and Tom, at the same time, perhaps .... ~gasp~.. his sweetheart has TWO brains and TWO hearts??!!! Feeling disheartened and sad, Raynor went into recluse in Little Guilin Hill, practising the Siao Liao Jiang Hu tunes relentlessly, with his tough strong fingers. One day while playing music, the thunder striked, and a huge dark Cloud appears, oh it's the ever wet blanket, Xiao Qi Feng Yun staring at Raynor with hate in her eyes. Suddenly she pui pui pui many apple seeds at Raynor's ever-so-handsome face. It was then that Raynor realised he had mistaken his beloved Apple. It was actually Xiao Qi Feng Yun in disguise and also her sister, atom-Bu Bai, who tried to frame Apple. With anger in his heart, Raynor flew to his childhood sweetheart s4phirez and hacked out her other brain, and went in search for the missing Apple in the Indoor Stadium Caves. He found her at last, wearing a beautiful white flowing gown, Raynor presented Apple with the brain. From that day onwards, Raynor keep telling Apple "pui pui pui, ai si ni ai si ni..."