Trends Presents...


Millennium Stories (First Story)

Episode 3

In Prisc's house..

Phyllis brought Raynor to her sister, Prisc..Prisc was sitting on a chair, facing the window and was staring blankly into the air..

Phyllis: Prisc, here's Mr Raynor..

Prisc turned her head slowly and looked at Raynor.. She kept staring at him.. Her mouth was trembling as if wanting to say something..

Then suddenly, she rose from her chair..

Prisc: Rick! Rick! (started touching Raynor and attempted to push him away)

Phyllis: Calm down Prisc.. It isn't Rick..

Prisc: ....

Raynor sat beside Prisc and looked at her..

Raynor: Now.. er.. I'm Raynor. I would like to be your friend..

Prisc: Friend?

Raynor: Yes.. Your friend.. You too can treat me as your friend too..

Prisc: ....

Raynor looked at the table in front of Prisc. He saw a photo of her and her husband, Rick...He took the photo and placed it in front of Prisc..

Raynor: You hate this guy don't you?

Prisc: Huhg! That unfaithful husband of mine...If not for him, I would not have lost everything...I hate being cheated! (She was agitated and started hitting the table..)

Raynor: Prisc, I need you to tell me what happened...

Prisc: My past? What's there to tell?

Raynor: Now, I want you to close your eyes...

As he said this, Prisc closed her eyes..

Raynor: Imagine you are now you are floating...floating aimlessly.. You're in a big sea where no one can see you.. All by yourself.. Take a deep deep breath.. forget about your worries.. I want you to count to 10.... 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6... 7... 8.... 9.... 10…. Now, slowly open your eyes.. yes.. open you eyes slowly...

Prisc slowly opened her eyes...

Prisc: ....

Raynor told Phyllis: Your sister is now temporarily stable.. But I'll come every week to see her.. To ensure that she can forget about the past...

Phyllis: Thanks Mr. Raynor.. I'll see you out..

Raynor: Goodbye friend, Prisc...

Prisc: ....

As Raynor left the house.. Prisc looked at the direction where Raynor left...


At the airport....

ken just arrived at Singapore for his annual work leave.. After he has settled in the hotel room.. He went for dinner...

As he approached near a back alley, he heard some noises there...

Out of curiosity, he went to see what happened..

He was appalled to see two men harassing a young woman..

Without further hesitation, he walked towards them and started arguing with them..

ken: What are you doing here?

Man 1: It's none of your pussy business..

ken: It is my business since I'm here..

Man 2: Tired of living yeah?

As the men said this, they attempted to punch ken.. But ken managed to save the girl and ran away..

ken and the girl was panting...

ken: Are you alright, young lady?

Girl (Philynn): ....(Broke into tears)

ken: Why are you crying? You're safe now..

But Philynn just went on crying...

ken: Okay, now.. Care to tell me what happened?

Philynn: Those two men were after me for money...

ken: You're in debt?

Philynn: I really had no choice.. My salary isn't enough to pay for my daily necessities.. Besides that, I have to fork out most of my own savings to help my mother to pay debts for gambling.. Since young, I have never had a good life.. My parents were always quarrelling with each other.. My father drinks and my mother gambles.. I had to live in fear everyday.. And you've just seen what happened to me.. I feel humiliated...

ken: Cheer up girl..

Philynn: Will you follow me to the pub?

ken nodded his head and followed her...


At the pub..

Philynn had been drinking and ken tried to stop her..

ken: Stop drinking miss or you'll get drunk..

Philynn: Don't call me Miss.. I'm Philynn.. haha.. and I'm not drunk..(Swayed her head around)

Then suddenly Philynn collapsed..

ken brought her back to his hotel room...


In the hotel room..

Phillyn was still swinging away..

Philynn: I'm not drunk.. not drunk..

ken: Miss, I have to send you home? But you have to tell me where do you live?

Philynn: I don't want to go to that lousy home of mine.. Will you spend the night with me?

ken was hesitant, but on seeing Philynn.. broken-hearted.. He did not want to see her suffer.. Therefore, was succumbed to temptation..

And unknowingly, they had a one-night relationship..

The next morning, Phillyn awoke from her sleep.. But ken wasn't there..

He left a message on the table..

"Dear Miss Phillyn.. I'm leaving for America.. I've prepared breakfast for you, it's on the table.. I've already paid for the hotel bill.. You'll have to leave by 11...bye!"

Philynn discovered that ken had accidentally left his name card on the table...His name, contact number and personal details was written on it.. It was then did she realised that he was an ABC..

She realised she had a relationship with him on the previous night.. She decided to wait for his call...


To be continued....


Continue the story...