TTP and FTF Presents… AD 2500!!!

Episode 3

suddenly, denyse jerked to a stop, and ken found himself thrown against the wall of denyse, and suddenly, there was dead silence. "haha.. we must have reach...HITLER.. here i COME.. wait for MEEEE...!!!!!!"ken dashed out of the door, and found himself face to face with tcs supporter(fred) "you must be hitler!! accept me as your disciple pul-eeasee..." ken begged tcs supporter, clutching to his knee, at the same time kowtowing to him. though he thought that hitler was dressed in rather strange clothes for a leader, he dismissed it from his mind.. "perhaps.. it is a new TREND.." "pa..Goo DOO.. moo" went tcs supporter. (translated from cavemenish, it means this man must be crazy) "is that a yes?" ken asked incredulously.."yeah! i have been accepted by hitler as his disciple" *muackz* he went, giving tcs supporter a loud, wet kiss on his cheek, "i love you! i love the world! i love the trees, i love the mountains! i love the dinosaurs!" " ddd..dd-d-in-n-nosaur?"he stuttered, as GINAsaurus-rex lumbered towards him, "am i dreaming?!?!?!" "i guess not...."as ginasaurus-rex lumbered right up to his face.. "HELPPPP!!!!!!! SOMEONE!!!!!!!!! SOS!!!!!!!!!!!", ken screamed, running away as fast as he can. but suddenly, in front of him, was logicarus, he was SURROUNDED!! with no where to escape, ken fainted........

* * * * *

meanwhile, where denyse landed, meimei appeared, dressed in a stylish leopard-spotted dress, and her hair held up by a bone. "ooo.. ooo gi ga!" she exclaimed (what a nice cave that is) thus she went inside to explore. tcs supporter, who secretly loved meimei, saw her go into the time machine, and also followed her in. tcs supporter started to proclaim his love for meimei in gibberish when they felt the ground shaking. suddenly, the time machine was picked up, and meimei and tcs supporter were sent crashing from 1 wall to the other.

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out side, it was logicarus who picked them up, in hopes of finding some other food. Due to the shaking, some "hormones" in denyse, were being triggered, and it roared to life.

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meimei and tcs supporter were shocked to oblivion when they saw all the lights and buttons in denyse flashing like crazy. they thought that they were trapped in a monster, and started bashing it, to try and get out. *bish* *smock* *bang!* *boom* they accidently keyed in four numbers, the numbers 2, 5, 0 and 0, and denyse began the journey again. As a blessing in disguise, the shaking by logicarus has done denyse good, (tightened the screws in her system), and they returned to year 2500...

* * * *

back in 1000bc, logicarus and ginasaurus were sharing their hunt, KEN. "boo.. baa.. yoo.. lana" logicarus went in dinivinish (translated: this bean taste quite good, lotsa fats, not too skinny) "tootoo.. bammbaam.." ginasaurus disagreed (translated: i don't think so, this bean taste very boney and the meat is very tough) fyi, logicarus ate the stomach and thighs, while poor ginasaurus was left with the head, neck, arms, and hands.. LOLz..


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