We Presents… Rojak Love Story!!!
EPIsOdE 1 (Trends & FPF)
YI is the male lead, and Jane is the female lead. jane is a junior secretary and YI as a computor engineer. jane was stuck at her office building on a rainy night around 10 something.. as she did not have a car, and was raining cats and dogs. thus YI who was working in the same building as her, saw her standing at the lobby of the building, waiting for the rain to stop, and thus offers to send her home as it was very late, even though they did not know each other. then half way on to jane's home, the car broke down, and as it was still raining, they were stuck in the car in a very secluded spot thus as they did not know each other, they at first were very uncomfortable in their company. then, they started talking and found that they shared many similarities ....