Prisc Presents...


Cruel Intentions

Episode Three (Part Three)

In the hospital ward.

"WHAT! What do you want. Who the hell are you, i already told the police everything i know... What else do you want...."

Jeanette (Jane) scrutinized the person. She was a petite lady in her early thirties, with long black hair and pale white skin, and very dark vacant eyes, if Jane din know better, she would have thought that she juz came onto the set of a female ghost story... But she knew, those vacant eyes could only belong to Deanna, the object that drove her brother away from her....

Jane: (Shocked but very calmly) I am Jeanette. Remember? What did you do to my Brother? Why don’t he remember me?

Deanna (Watcher): (With a silent laugh) How am i to know. If he hates you and wants to forget you, What can I do about it?

Jane: Don’t give me that crap! You have better tell me... or else.....

Watcher: (Another silent laugh) Well... he had an accident once and he lost his memory, so I told him every thing... except for his sad memories, which definitely includes you. Hah...funny thing. How did you find us???

Jane: (Sarcastically) He is my brother, of cuz I will find him, I am not going to blame you for that. But tell me, how did you all fall down the stairs? And how come he has large amounts of Delirium in his blood? Are you trying to kill him?

Watcher: ME KILL HIM? He tried to kill me... Tried to strangle me to death... we struggled and then fall down the stairs. Thank god for that. He.... he... he is siao, he is mad. He has lost all sanity...

Suddenly, Watcher stared at her hard.....

Watcher: What has this got to do with you. He has nothing to do with you... we started life anew. Leave us alone.

Jane: He is my brother. I will make him remember me. And I will find out the truth. You are the culprit or my brother. I will find out the truth.

Jane walked out of the room, as she walk down the corridor, she heard chilling laughter coming out of Watcher's room... She shuddered... How can her brother stay with her for so long?

Jane reached her brother's ward. Christopher (Raynor) and Darrell (Tom), were talking over a cup of coffee outside the ward. When they saw her, they walked towards her...

Raynor: Your bro is sleeping... funny, so funny. He keep saying that the Mrs. trying to kill him... hahaha...

Tom: Well, he has a point. Why would he have so much poison in his system.

Raynor: Yah Yah... but it is stupid right? Anyway, so how was the Mrs... What did she say...

Tom: It is okay if you don’t wanna say...

Jane: Well, she insisted that my brother wants to kill her... but then, I never liked her, and I don’t believe her...

After a brief silence...

Jane: Can you do me a favor, Chris? You the comp expert can help me check the files of My brother or not.... I need to know whether he had an accident before or not...

Raynor: Sure, no problem... Any thing for the beautiful lady... To be of service to a babe, definitely a good thing, hmmm, what else is great... a kiss or.....

Jane: (Ignoring Raynor) Darrell, can you help me check on the asserts of my brother, I need your connections with the banks to check that...

Raynor: (Being Kaypo again) Why, you want to see whether this brother is worth acknowledging or not ah??? Hmmm.... i din know you so money fa..... OUUUUUCCCCCHHHHH.... WHAT.....

Jane and Tom both stepped on either side of Raynor's feet. Raynor fall in pain... and both Jane and Tom walked off...


To be Cont...


Continue the story...